About Michelle
Michelle Mansfield-Hom, CCH, HNC
I’m a Clinical Herbalist, Bach Flower Essence practitioner certified through studies with Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. I’ve also obtained a certification in Holistic Nutrition Consultation with AFPA Fitness.
I practice from a Vitalistic perspective, which means we have an intelligence force inside all of us and that includes every living cell in your body. The human body holds a deep well of organized intelligence. We are either a beautiful harmony of forces or disaster (or just in between) depending on what it is that we are doing-consuming to sustain our very own vital force. Our bodies are in a constant communication between the vital force and that is not limited to: food, lifestyle, exercise + movement, herbs, and love.
I currently work as a Herbalist and Inventory Manager at Rebecca’s Apothecary in Boulder, CO. In between work and casework I provide classes, workshops + presentations on the topics from ‘Herbs for Mental + Emotional Health’, to ‘Reclaim Your Food Independence.’
When I’m not doing any of the above, I can be found wandering in the woods, hanging with my critters, witching around in the kitchen, tending to my garden, out riding the pow, + visiting farmers’ markets + local coffee shops.
My roots are deep in the Deaf + signing community. I was born Deaf and my first language is American Sign Language. The Deaf community members immensely miss out on information that is on the Internet, not limited to podcasts & videos with bad captioning. Herbalism is just one of the topics in the cyber ocean. Lack of access is the ignitor of the fire (inside my belly) to bring herbal education + content, alternative medicine, and access to the Deaf community.
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From the Earth,
for the body
“everything is connected.
every cell is connected
to the nervous,
lymphatic, &
musculoskeletal systems.”